What type of appointment are you looking for?
We are thrilled that you are here! If you need an assessment for custom made orthotics, or you are already a patient with us and are hoping to order another pair of orthotics, please click here. If you are unsure what you need, we would be happy to assess you to determine your options. A Certified Pedorthist will thoroughly assess your gait, history and function and offer expert advise.
If you have orthotics from us and are having some problems with your orthotics; or just need to ask some questions about your foot health? If we have seen you before, this appointment is for you. Within the first 12 months of the orthotic life, existing Foot by Foot customers are welcome to schedule an adjustment or check up appointment free of charge. If more time has passed there may be a small fee for our time and materials ($30-80).
Need a Custom Knee brace? Do you have a prescription? At ONLY THE WOODSTOCK LOCATION, you can schedule a time with Darlene Rempel, R. Kin. There are more appointments available if you call our office directly (519) 539-1344, but here are some online options. (If this is for a custom brace, a prescription will be required with specified guidelines from the doctor).
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Do you have a prescription for compression socks? We can help! Our online scheduler is somewhat limited for available times, but if you call our office directly -- ONLY AVAILABLE AT the KITCHENER BELMONT (519) 208-6363 and WOODSTOCK LOCATION (519) 539-1344 - we can set up a time to meet. Medical compression requires a prescription with your doctors guidance about how tight and how high the compression is to go. Here are some online appointmnet time options......
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